With a diverse population that is three times the size of the United States but one-third the physical size, India has the second-largest population worldwide, which is outgrowing its water supply. According to the United Nations, the country is set to overtake China as the most populous country in less than a decade - with an additional 416 million urban residents, causing the demand for water to reach twice the available supply by 2030, placing millions of lives in danger.

To tackle the problem, Kalia was created. Kalia is a chai tea brand who donates 25% of each sale towards Charity: Water to help support India’s water crisis.

The project involved the creation of a brand strategy, marketing, visual identity and brand experience. The visual approach focused on a vibrant colour scheme and the use of bold typography. Outcomes included a branded experience, packaging and marketing materials. As well as an advertising campaign adapted to digital and print formats, alongside further supporting collateral.

Kalia’s brand experience takes the form of a market stall situated in 4 different locations around London. The purpose of the market stall is to build sincere and trustworthy relationships with the audience, and further highlight and support the cause. Kalia’s market stalls work on the same purchasing premise, giving 25% directly to Charity: Water for every cup purchased.

Utilising the primary brand colours, textures, and icons, Kalia’s market set up follows the visual identity and brand aesthetic. The design of the market stall is sleek and trendy, in keeping with Kalia’s brand personality.


Aubrey Park

